Keys to Selling Your Home and Maximizing Profits

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Selling your house is a very complicated process. If you make even a few mistakes, you might be unable to unload you house and get trapped in a sinking economy. There’s no need for this if you keep in mind the following helpful hints from Charleston Real Estate professionals at Premier One:

Charleston Real EstateMistake #1: Overpricing Your Home
You need to be realistic about the value of your house. Sellers should insist their realtors present them with objective criteria for pricing. Comparative information is most critical in getting a house priced properly. If you ask for too much, it’s hard to ask for less later on in the process.

Mistake #2: Not Displaying Curb Appeal
You don’t have to sink a ton of into redecorating your home. Ask your realtor about a few basic steps you must take to present your house in the most positive light.

Mistake #3: Overdoing Home Improvements
Don’t go overboard staging your home. It should feel warm and inviting. Grass should be freshly cut, plant some flowers, organize the home’s interior, rid the home of foul smells and apply new coats of paint to all walls and doors.

Mistake #4: Not Understanding The Buyer’s Offer
Carefully reviewing and understanding the offer or purchase contract is imperative. Here are a few things to look for:

  • Has the buyer agreed to put down a significant deposit?
  • Has the buyer asked for some credits to cover loan costs?
  • Is the offer contingent upon the owner selling his or her present home? If so, how is the selling process transpiring?

Mistake #5: No Home Inspection
Have general inspections done in advance. Even though buyers will often have the house inspected again, it’s better to prepare for problems before the buyer sees the house.

Mistake #6: Withholding Information
Don’t fail to mention the problems with the home, it is best to give buyers full disclosure. This kind of information can greatly affect the value or desirability of the property.

Mistake #7: Poor Realtor Communication
You should have already asked your realtor about a real estate commission. Don’t assume at closing you are entitled to anything. You must ask and sign papers before the real estate deal gets underway.

Mistake #8: Not Reading Closing Statements
Cautiously review the closing statement, including the loan balance, repairs and other expenses detailed there to avoid last-minute surprises or errors. Make sure you get an estimated statement a few weeks prior to closing and compare the final statement to the estimated one.

If you follow all these steps, you will go a long way towards avoiding being a victim in the home selling process.
